‘Earthing’ by Clinton Ober

Table of Contents
Foreword by James Oschman, Ph.D.
Part One: Why We Are Increasingly Unhealthy—The Missing Link
1. The Miracle of Mother Earth
2. Electrical You and Your Electrical Planet
3. The Disconnect Syndrome
Part Two: Personal Discoveries
4. Reconnecting: Clint Ober’s Story
5. Challenges of an Amateur Scientist
6. A Cardiologist’s Discovery: Steve Sinatra’s Story
Part Three: Connecting with Science
7. The Original Anti-Inflammatory
8. Connecting the Dots
Part Four: The Earthing Chronicles
9. Earthing 101: How to Connect
10. Fifteen Years of Earthing: Clint Ober’s Observations
11. The Cardiovascular Connection: Steve Sinatra’s Perspective
12. The Head-to-Toe Connection: Earthing’s Systemic Impact
13. The Feminine Connection: Earthing and Women
14. The Sports Connection: Earthing in Action
15. The Animal Connection: Earthing and Pets
16. The Long-Term Connection: The Importance of Staying Connected
17. The Future Connection: The Earthing Revolution Ahead
A. The Physics of Earthing—Simplified by Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D.
B. Technical Notes on Grounding and Earthing Methods
C. Caution: Earthing and Medication
D. The Earthing Institute
E. Symptom Checklist and Progress Log
F. Earthing in Earlier Times and Indigenous Cultures
G. Earthing Research